About O.E.C.U.

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from 1940 to 1959

4 / 1941 The Toa School of Electro-Communication Engineering and Osaka Academy of Communication Engineering High School were established.
4 / 1948 The Toa School of Electro-Communication Engineering becames a new technical high school and is renamed Toa Electro-Communication High School.
5 / 1951 The incorporated foundation was reorganized as an incorporated educational institution, and the school name was changed to Osaka Electro-Communication High School.
1 / 1958 Corporate body name was changed to "Osaka Electro-Communication School."
4 / 1958 Osaka Electro-Communication Junior College's Electronic Engineering Department 1 was established.
4 / 1959 Junior College's Department of Electronic Engineering 2 was established.

from 1960 to 1979

4 / 1961 Osaka Electro-Communication University's Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (Faculty of Engineering) was established.
4 / 1962 Department of Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Faculty of Engineering) was established.
5 / 1962 Junior College name changed to "Osaka Electro-Communication University Junior College."
4 / 1965 The university's Department of Solid State Electronics, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, and Department of Management Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) were established.
9 / 1973 Name was changed from "Osaka Electro-Communication School" to "Osaka Electro-Communication University."
4 / 1975 The university's Department of Precision Engineering and Department of Applied Electronics (Faculty of Engineering) was established.

from 1980 to 1999

10 / 1987 The Shijonawate Building was constructed as a part of the celebratory activities for the university's 25th anniversary and the junior college's 30th anniversary.
4 / 1990
  • The university's Graduate School of Engineering Master's Degree Program was established.
  • Division of Electronics and Applied Physics, Division of Mechanical and Control Engineering, and Division of Information and Computer Sciences were established.
  • Junior College's Department of Electronics name was changed to "Department of Electronics and Information Technology."
4 / 1992
  • The university's Graduate School of Engineering Doctoral Degree Program was established.
  • Division of Electronics and Applied Physics, Division of Mechanical and Control Engineering, and Division of Information and Computer Sciences were established.
4 / 1995
  • Department of Engineering Informatics (Faculty of Information Science and Technology) was established through the reorganization and conversion of the university's Department of Management Engineering (Faculty of Engineering).
  • Department of Electronics-Information Engineering was established at the Junior College.
4 / 1996 The university's Department of Precision Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) name was changed to the "Department of Intelligent Machine Engineering."
4 / 1997
  • The university's Department of Solid State Electronics (Faculty of Engineering) name was changed to the "Department of Material Science."
  • The university's Department of Applied Electronics (Faculty of Engineering) name was changed to the "Department of Lightwave Sciences."
4 / 1998
  • The university's Faculty of Engineering 2 was established.
  • The university's Faculty of Engineering name changed to the "Faculty of Engineering 1."
  • Selected by the Ministry of Education for the Private University Academic Frontier Promotion Program.
12 / 1999 The University's Department of Management Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) was closed.

from 2000 to the present

4 / 2000
  • The university's Faculty of Information Science and Technology name changed to the "Faculty of Information Science and Arts."
  • The university's Department of Media Information Culture (Faculty of Information Science and Arts) was established.
3 / 2001 The Junior College's Department of Electronics Information Engineering was closed.
4 / 2001 The university's Department of Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering 1) was established.
4 / 2002
  • The university's Department of Intelligent Machinery Engineering (Faculty of Engineering 1 and Faculty of Engineering 2) name changed to the "Department of Mechanical Engineering."
  • Junior College's Department of Electronic Information 1 name changed to the "Department of Electronic Information."
7 / 2002 The Junior College's 2nd Division was closed.
4 / 2003 The university's Department of Digital Games (Faculty of Information Science and Arts) was established.
4 / 2004
  • The graduate school's Division of Media Information Culture (Graduate School of Information Science and Arts) Master's Course was established.
  • The university's Department of Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering 1) was closed.
  • The university's Department of Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) was established.
4 / 2005
  • The graduate school's Division of Biomedical Engineering (Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering) Master's Course was established.
  • The graduate school's Division of Digital Games (Graduate School of Information Science and Arts) Master's Course was established.
  • The university's Department of Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Faculty of Engineering 1), Department of Lightwave Sience, and Department of Engineering Informatics (Faculty of Information Science and Arts) were reorganized, and the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering was established.
  • The university's Department of Computer Science (Faculty of Information Science and Arts) was established.
4 / 2006
  • The graduate school's Division of Electronics and Communication Engineering (Graduate School of Engineering) Doctoral Degree Program was established.
  • The graduate school's Division of Computer Science (Graduate School of Information Science and Arts) Master's Degree Program was established.
  • The university's Department of Environmental Science (Faculty of Engineering 1) was established.
  • The university's Department of Physical Therapy (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) was established.
  • The university's Department of Materials Science (Faculty of Engineering 1) name changed to the "Department of Applied Chemistry."
  • The university's Department of Lightwave Sience (Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering) name changed to the "Department of Electronics and Lightwave Sciences."
  • The university's Department of Media Information Culture (Faculty of Information Science and Arts) name changed to the "Department of Digital Art and Animation."
4 / 2007
  • The graduate school's Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Degree Program was established.
  • The graduate school's Graduate School of Information Science and Arts Doctoral Degree Program was established.
  • The graduate school's Division of Media Information Culture (Graduate School of Information Science and Arts) name changed to the "Division of Digital Art and Animation."
  • The university's Faculty of Engineering 1 name changed to the "Faculty of Engineering."
  • The university's Department of Engineering Science (Faculty of Engineering) was established.
4 / 2008 The Department of Health-Promotion and Sports Science (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) was established.
9 / 2008 The Junior College was closed
4 / 2009
  • The university's Department of Electronic Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) name changed to the "Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering."
  • The Department of Assets Management (Faculty of Financial Economy) was established.
4 / 2011
  • The university celebrated its 50th anniversary.
  • The university’s Department of Environmental Science (Faculty of Engineering) was established.
  • The campus in front of the station was completed.
6 / 2011 The Department of Electronics in the Faculty of Engineering 2 was closed
4 / 2012 The graduate school’s Division of Electronics and Applied Physics (Graduate School of Engineering) name was changed to the “Division of Advanced Science and Engineering.”
3 / 2013 The Department of Electronics and Lightwave Sciences in the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering was closed
4 / 2013 The university’s Department of Computer Science (Faculty of Information Science and Arts) name was changed to the “Department of Computer Science”.
*The name of this department was changed in Japanese.
6 / 2013 The Department of Engineering Informatics in the Faculty of Information Science and Arts was closed *The name of this department was changed in Japanese.
4 / 2014 The university’s Department of Assets Management (Faculty of Financial Economy) name will change to the “Department of Asset Management”.
4 / 2018 Establishment of Department of Architecture in University.
Faculty of Engineering Establishment of Department of Digital Games and Department of Games and Media in University Faculty of Information Science and Arts.
4 / 2020
  • The university's Faculty of Biomedical Engineering's name was changed to the "Faculty of Medical Science and Health-Promotion."
  • The university's Department of Biomedical Engineering's name was changed to the "Department of Medical Science."
  • The Graduate School of Engineering's four divisions: the Division of Electronics and Applied Physics, Division of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Division of Information and Computer Sciences and Division of Electronics and Communication Engineering were reorganized and the Division of Engineering established.
  • The Graduate School of Information Science and Arts' three divisions: the Division of Digital Art and Animation, Division of Digital Games and Division of Computer Science were reorganized and the Division of Information Science and Arts established.
12 / 2020 The Department of Digital Art and Animation in the Faculty of Information Science and Arts was closed
3 / 2022 The Department of Asset Management was closed
4 / 2022 An Architecture course was established in the Graduate School of Engineering’s Division of Engineering
4 / 2024
  • The university’s Department of Architecture (Faculty of Engineering) was reorganized, and the Architecture Course/Spatial Design Course in the Department of Architecture and Design (Faculty of Architecture and Design) were established.
  • The university’s Department of Engineering Science was reorganized, and the Mathematical and Physical Science Course in the Department of Engineering Science was established.
  • The university’s Department of Environmental Science was reorganized, and the Sustainable Chemistry Course in the Department of Engineering Science was established.