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Number of enrolled students

(Current as of May 1, 2023)

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Undergraduate / Graduate Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total
Undergraduate (faculty)
Faculty of Engineering 587 611 543 469 2,210
Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering 278 298 280 232 1,088
Faculty of Medical Science and Health-Promotion
(Faculty of Biomedical Engineering)
222 221 199 191 833
Faculty of Information Science and Arts 415 396 398 363 1,572
Undergraduate total 1,502 1,526 1,420 1,255 5,703
Graduate school (course)
Graduate School of Engineering (Master's course) 59 66 - - 125
Graduate School of Engineering (Doctoral course) 1 1 0 - 2
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering (Master's course) 9 7 - - 16
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering (Doctoral course) 0 3 2 - 5
Graduate School of Information Science and Arts (Master's course) 14 19 - - 33
Graduate School of Information Science and Arts (Doctoral course) 0 1 2 - 3
Graduate total 83 97 4 0 184
Total 5,887